piatok 19. apríla 2013

Hello survivors!
I wanted to do new article about best zombie games, but I do not have enough time, so I just show you few of them, my favorites..

I know that many people think that there are many better zombie themed games, but this is catched my heart for the first time. I definetly love zombies in Call of Duty! Oh yes, I think there isnt nothing better for relaxing than Zombie campaign in COD. I mostly like them in Call of Duty Black Ops. When I am angry or something, I just turn on playstation and KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILL!  

Arent they charming?!

Best Zombie Movies

For beginnig, here is list of the best zombie apocalypse movies, which you have to see as preparing for life with undead.

15. La Horde
14. Re- Animator
13. Resident Evil
12. Dawn of the Dead Remake
11. Dead Alive
10. FIDO
8. 28 Days Later
7. Night of the Living Dead 90
6. Zombieland
5. Return of the Living Dead
4. Shaun of the Dead
3. Night of the Living Dead
2. Day of the Dead
1. Dawn of the Dead

I also love TV series of AMCs Walking Dead, and new film called Warm Bodies, which is showing zombies from the new perspective.

štvrtok 11. apríla 2013


Welcome to my awesome blog!
Soon you will see some interesting zombie facts, summary of best zombie movies and games! I also will upload some tips what to do when zombie apocalypse come.